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You need to have written to have writer's block--otherwise we all have it

Word to the wise: If you want to kill any ability to commit words to a page you plan to show the world, read yourself some of Camille Paglia's spine-tinglingly scathing book reviews (search by byline). Or perhaps read More, Now, Again, Elizabeth Wurtzel's account of how she managed to create one of the sharpest products of modern feminism, Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women. The latter book--one of my all-time favorites--apparently required thousands of Ritalin pills, a few pounds of cocaine, and four months of treatment in Connecticut followed by intense outpatient treatment in New York.

One should read all the above regardless, but be warned.


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The link to Camille Paglia's reviews isn't working. But she is the one who said, "We don't see things as they are. we see things as we are."
Amen to that.

The link should be fixed...you have to search for author "Camille Paglia," since the site won't let me link to search results. Love her.

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